
disaster les8ian

hey I'm Vris, you can call me Zula if you'd like, or any kin names I guess.

I'm a fictive of Vriska Serket from a timeline with swapped god tiers; I'm a Sylph of Void. I'm kin w (Vriska) and some 8loodswaps. Vriska dou8les are cool for the most part; if you're also specifically Sylph of Void Vriska I'd rather we didn't interact. Kin dou8les are all fine.

I use my quirk most of the time. Let me know if you'd rather I not use it in priv8 convers8ions.

stuff a8out me

name/s: Vris, Zula, kin names
pronouns: she/her, they/them
gender: demigirl
age: 8.77 sweeps // 19 yrs

zodiac: scorpio (octo8er 27th)
god tier: sylph of void
dream moon: derse
8ending: fire8ending
alignment: lawful good ::::///

8efore you follow

please don't follow if:
you're also a sylph of void vriskausual dfi (homo/transpho8ic, racist, etc)
ask 8efore following if:
you're from one of my sources (I love meeting sourcem8s!)you're kin w ga8rielle (XWP)you're under 15 and we're not already friends
kin dou8les are all good!!


♏ (Vriska), Vris Lalonde, Vris Harley, Vriska Leijon, Vriska Maryam (pro8a8ly some other 8loodswaps too)

Azula (Avatar: the Last Airbender; canon and hs aus, both troll and human tls)

Xena (Xena Warrior Princess)

Callisto (Xena Warrior Princess)

Beatrice (Over The Garden Wall)

Elphaba Thropp (The Wicked Years books)

Heather Chandler (Heathers movie; Heather Cubed fic)

Veronica Sawyer (Heathers movie; Heather Cubed fic)

comfort characters

Homestuck: Kanaya Maryam, Rose LalondeAtLA: Katara, Zuko, Ty Lee, MaiXWP: Gabrielle, Cyrene, Hercules, Autolycus, Joxer, Eve, SolanOTGW: Wirt, Lorna, GregWicked: Galinda, Dr. Dillamond, the Charmed CircleHeathers: Heather, Heather, Heather, Veronica, JD (H^3 fic JD), Betty Finn, Martha Dunnstock